Own your best life.
If you want to break free of burnout, feel more inspired and joyful about your work and your life, I can help. It's time to rewrite the rules and forget what everyone else says you "should" do. Your up-level has arrived.

Hi! I'M MAY. A Columbia-certified leadership and mindset coach for the driven and spiritually curious.  Through practical and spiritual tools, I'll help you break free of burnout, live your highest purpose and get clear on your goals.  I'm not your average life coach, executive coach or yoga teacher. A devoted spiritual student as well as corporate warrior. I speak both in terms of metaphysics and strategy, which is why my clients always see results in both their inner and outer worlds.

and more

who I AM

about ME

We weave spiritual and practical.

I teach on stamina - not sprints. I've devoted my life to spirituality and its intersection with ambition and drive. What you'll learn is how to dance among your nurturing spirit and your drive for results.

We meditate and use our intuition rather than just push push push for what we want. Most people think that we need to hustle and grind 24/7 in order to have success, but there's a duality to a well-lived life that includes a CRAZY amount of both JOY and REST as well as DETERMINATION.

We talk to the heart, mind, and body. We'll live in the connection between all 3 and see how we can THRIVE instead of sacrificing health for wealth or vice versa.

how does this work?

my method

I lost both my grandmother and father in the span of a year. I began to wonder if my time here on Earth was being well spent? Did it serve a greater purpose? Did it provide me with fulfillment and joy? In a lot of ways, I was incredibly successful, having created an ambitious plan for myself that I was doing a great job of executing: Ivy League MBA (check), Strategic consulting work with a prestigious firm (check), demanding position at a socially-conscious consumer goods company (check). The problem? I didn’t know what was next. I felt lost and confused, and worst of all, unhappy with the direction my life was taking. But change seemed impossible after all the years I’d committed to my original plan. 

This began a process of introspection, igniting my deepest questions and darkest fears at once. It’s hard and scary to change course, and daunting, when you’re not sure of the destination. All along the way, I discovered that I’d never fully asked myself why I was doing what I was doing. As a result, I kept repeating the same habits and thinking patterns that led me to where I was. Once I let go of the WHAT and focused on the WHY I was able to see that even small changes would get me closer to building the life I truly wanted, the one I hadn’t fully understood until I asked why, over and over again. 

Change feels impossible, and difficult questions can lead to difficult truths, but when we do the work of choosing action and intention over stagnation, we find that the lives we always dreamed of are not impossible, but right in front of us, waiting to unfold. My journey was guided by mentors and a community of people who also believed that there’s more to life than clocking in and clocking out. Without their wisdom and support, I wouldn’t be where I am today, living a life that has a clear purpose that not only fulfills my desire to have a larger social and spiritual impact, but provides me with the joy and gratitude that had been missing.

it all began when...

My Story

Find work that is more fulfilling and exciting

Have a better balance between your personal/family life and work life

Gain clarity on your goals and confidence that you can reach them

Break free from the cycle of anxiety and burnout

Learn spiritual tools and practical techniques to calm your mind and heal your body



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